Valentine’s Day Coaching Tip…

Want to get more Love & Connection this Valentine’s Day? Here are 5 Ways that people “LOVE” to be Loved. (and a few other goodies along the way)

Gary Chapman wrote a great book many years ago called “The 5 Love Languages.” His theory is that people can experience love in 5 general ways. Everyone has a natural priority for the 5 ways. The challenge we face is that we tend to love people in our preferred ways instead of theirs. So, as we go through the 5 ways, ask yourself first, “What are the ways I love to be loved?” Then ask, “How does my significant other love to be loved?”

1. TIME: Time people just love to be in the same room, house or shared space. They just like hanging out around you and spending time together.

2. TOUCH: Any touch will do; a hug, kiss, (or more), anything that is skin to skin. They just need and love your touch.

3. TELL: Any written or verbal affirmation of your undying devotion is always loved. Even text, email, telegram, anything that is auditory or writing will light their fire!

4. Buying THINGS: Material gifts and possessions are the way to go. Doesn’t have to be the diamond tennis bracelet. It could just be that special something for a dollar. Buying them gifts are great!

5. Doing THINGS: Any act of service will do for these people. Clean the house, take out the trash, clean up that honey do list, fill the car with gas, or just be their love servant for the day and ‘Do’ for them!

One last suggestion…make sure there is a personal touch to anything and everything that you do for your loved one this Valentine’s Day. More than anything, they want to know that you took the time to cherish them, show they are special to you. As long as it comes from you and your heart…Rock their world with it!

Last, a Coaching Challenge…remember that Valentine’s Day can come more than once a year when Hallmark says that it’s expected. Guys, stock up on some cards and drop one in her car in July when she is taking the kids to the pool. I always cruise the 50% OFF shelves and stock up for a few times during the next year to have my own Valentine’s Day! To heck with Hallmark, I march to the beat of my own drum!

To your continued success,
