Tag Archive for: marketing

Can you pass the “Egostistical Business Card” Test? You could be losing money as you read this, right now!

I am sitting here staring at about 1,000 business cards on my desk and 99.9% of them are what I call “ego” cards. What is an “ego” card? They all have these four traits in common…

1. A nice logo of some sort that the owner of the business card probably loves, (I love mine).
2. The name, title, and contact information of the person I should be contacting.
3. A nice picture of the person who gave me the business card.
4. As a bonus, I even get a nice little slogan or saying.

So, what do those 4 components do for me as a business owner looking to grow my business? NOTHING! I have been looking through the cards all morning and with some of them, I don’t even know what service the business provides. But, I bet they make the person handing out the card feel really good!

ANY business card that doesn’t answer WIIFM (What’s in it for me?) in an EMOTIONAL way, I consider an “ego” card. It’s not beneficial for the prospect, but the person handing it out probably feels pretty good about it!

Take out your business card and ask the following questions:

1. If this sat on a perspective clients desk for a month, would they know what service I provide?
2. Would the client be able to answer “WIIFM?” (What’s In It For Me?)
3. Is there anything on the card that would EMOTIONALLY motivate the person to contact me?
4. Is there anything on the card that tells what problem I solve for their business?
5. What makes me stand out emotionally from all the rest of the… (same owners of my business, i.e. realtors, coaches, etc.)?

They say in marketing that only 7% of the people you meet are ready for your product/service right now. That leaves an interesting question. As a business owner, “How do you keep in front of the 93% so they understand your services and are MOTIVATED to call AND BUY your services when they become part of the 7%?”

Answer: Make an emotional impact by revitalizing your business card wtih your Unique Selling Proposition. This is the number one marketing mistake that most small business owners make. It is a simple, effective and often overlooked critical business tool.

If you need some support to create a new compelling and dynamic busienss card to generate more leads, have people remember you and keep your phone ringing, take a look at my new website.


Sign up and you will also learn the second and third most overlooked marketing strategies that could be costing you thousands of dollars in revenue.

To your continued $uccess,


This Ultimate Results System will produce…

I was thinking last week, “if I could master one skill this year that would produce the greatest results in my business, what would that be? If there was a system that allowed me to increase my efficiency, stay on track and stop things from falling through the cracks, what would that be? The Ultimate Results System is a result of answering that very question.

Everything in business comes down to sales and marketing. If a business is profitable, it continues to operate, if not, it goes bankrupt. This following 5-step process is sales based but I would like to extend its application to every interaction we have with people.

The bottom line is that we are ALWAYS working to have others see things from our perspective, persuade them to a common outcome or vision, or find a solution to a problem. In essence, we are always selling (think outside the parameters of just a tangible good). We are working to persuade others of our ideas, beliefs, hopes, solutions and activities.

My Ultimate Results System is based in the Sandler Sales system with a few additions. This system works best for sales, marketing, and every business interaction you have with another person.

  1. Define your outcome clearly and concisely. This is done BEFORE you have any interaction with anyone! It can be done two ways: for a singular event or an overall outcome for your business.
  2. Work for a “Yes,” and go to Step 4. Get to a “Yes” together. Find that common idea, belief, solution or activity that takes you closer to the achievement of your outcome.
  3. Work even harder for a “No.” (then go to Step 5) A “no” is great because it closes a door on something that could become an energy waster. More importantly, it brings closure to the interaction. This allows a person to let go of the false hope or optimism that something may pan out in the future and helps to stay realistic about your results.
  4. Get a Clear Next Step & Schedule It IMMEDIATELY! If you have a “yes” or a “referral” work with the person you are interacting with to define a clearly defined “next step” and then schedule it in your calendar immediately! Never walk away from someone without both putting that clear next step in your calendar. Nothing drains a persons’ focus, energy and time more than people who don’t commit to a clear next step and/or want you to follow up with them later. In addition, when things are scheduled on the spot, nothing falls through the cracks.
  5. Ask for a Referral. Brian Buffini has a great referral system that recommends that you end every conversation with, “Oh by the way, if you know anyone who…” and asking for a referral. Whether it is a “yes” a “no” or a “clear next step” it is important to ask if they know anyone else that you can help or support. This will push the comfort zone of most people because of their fear of selling and that’s exactly why it is recommended.

The reality is that confident and successful business people are always building and creating relationships to sell their own services and help others to do the same. Work hard to stay focused on your business outcomes,  get to a “yes” or “no,” schedule that clear next step immediately and remember to ask for referrals. These steps will allow you to be more efficient, profitable, and successful this year and produce results you never dreamed possible.

Leave your comments below. If you want to stop the frustrations in business, days of low energy and depression, and carrying that stress home every night to your loved ones, call now (919) 792-0085, or email me now (clear next step) to set up your Power Session today.

Oh, by the way, if you know of anyone who is frustrated with their business, facing divorce, or is depressed with no energy, the greatest compliment you can give is a referral (919) 792-0085.